Get your brand the search ranking it deserves


One of the most crucial facets of digital marketing is SEO because it enables companies to be found online and expand their reach. Without SEO, websites and online businesses risk becoming unnoticeable to potential clients, losing out on important chances to turn visitors into paying customers. Having a plan of attack for SEO businesses can increase your visibility. We will give you the tools and keys to grow your online presence.

Why SEO is important

Your sites SEO is what allows you to appear in the organic search results of your customer's browser. With up to 80% of users only using the organic search shown by their browser makes this one of the most important aspects of your website.


Backlinks are an essential part of increasing your ranking in Google. Backlinks are when an external domain that links back to your domain. These can be obtained in a few different ways, with our favourite being free value content, that are irresistible to not be linked to. What we will do is scan Google for potential backlinks and also keep tabs on your biggest competitors backlinks to make sure we don't miss any opportunites.

We Know All The Tricks

Whilst we cannot guarantee an increase the amount of organic traffic that you receive due to the nature of search engines, we will try every trick in the book to get the results you want.

SEO maintenance

As the internet is forever evolving it requires eyes on it is 24/7. With us we will keep up with the current trends and keywords that are relevant to your target market.

Paid Advertisement

With SEO, we will get you a few small wins which will increase your overall traffic, however, if fast results is what you need then coupling our SEO strategy with some optimised paid advertisement can be killer in increasing your website traffic.

FREE consultation

Unsure if we are the right fit? Contact us and receive a FREE consultation, yeah you heard me FREE! We will discuss your target market and industry and see how we can help. You have nothing to lose!





It all starts with SEO discovery when it comes to SEO. We will research the trends and search patterns of your target market, along with identifying your largest competitors to see what is working for them.


Scanning over sites is second nature for us, so we will quickly identify areas of improvement that give you those quick wins. We will also seat you on our SEO software that will scan your site for further SEO problems that aren't as easily noticeable. This software will also allow us to see all your current rankings for individual keywords and how you stack up against your competitors.


We will put together a plan to make sure you rank for not only new keywords but also rank higher than your competitors in the keywords you currently rank for. This strategy will involve: creating new content, improving website structure, website schema mark ups, website optimisation, backlink building and more!


Where we put our plan into action. We will also give you the keys to SEO success letting you in on our secrets allowing you to take charge on certain aspects of your SEO.


These initial changes will get you some small wins when it comes to showing in Google's search results. However, the real change comes from continuous management and optimisation from building on from our strategy.


We are proud to have helped Newmarket Paint Company achieve a quick small win on Google, by improving a few areas on their site and in their content to help them rank for the search term “squash court paint”. This is a highly competitive search term and with some changes to their site we managed to get them showing between 4th and 5th on Google for the search term they wanted to rank for, which was an improvement from the bottom of the 2nd page of Google. They have gained lots of new customers for squash court paint from this recent exposure. 

We have also targeted a wide variety of terms for local SEO as well so if someone is working within the area and search for products in Newmarket products that Newmarket paint stock will show up. Some of these searches can be seen from the screenshots below.

We are now working more comprehensively with them on their site to improve this ranking further as well as targeting other areas that will also grow their business, which has already proven to an increase in website traffic, leads and footfall to the store.


Below is a graph taken from a report of mine to a client of organic clicks over the period of 1 year of SEO work for one of our clients. This time last year the site was sitting between 15-23 clicks per day with the site now sitting around at 30-70 clicks per day organically with the highest day being 77, when you take away the 125 clicks at Christmas time! This means that our actions have tripled the clicks and impressions coming to the site organically. If you are still sceptical we can put you in contact with this client on request. 


Do you have a project that you would like us to be a part of?

We like to think of ourselves as the full package when it comes to your digital needs. Drop us a message and find out!

We are known as Claret Tela and are located in Newmarket, Suffolk